אזכורים וראיונות באמצעי התקשורת
> Zach, Yaniv, “Until the First Drop of Blood”, Haaretz (“The Body” - Special Issue) (29/09/2000) (in Hebrew)
> Evron, Yemima, “They are All on the Same Hill”, Haaretz (articles), (19/03/2004) (in Hebrew)
> Dayan, Aryeh, “Atty. Ginzberg Sets a Precedent”, Haaretz (articles), (24/10/2005) (in Hebrew & English)
> Bloch, Daniel, “Rosa Ginnosar, One of the First Women Adv. In Pre-State Israel”, Radio Interview, Radio, Channel A, (28/10/2005) (in Hebrew)
> Neuman, Dalia, “The First Women Advocates in Pre-State Israel", Radio, Channel B, (11/04/2007) (in Hebrew)
> Gilat, Amir, “The First Women Advocates in Pre-State Israel", The Academic Channel (3/05/2007) (in Hebrew)
> Efrat Ritten, "Legal Ethics and Lawyers' Fees", TV Channel 10 (6/8/2010) (in Hebrew)
> Nurit Rot, "A new survey: Most Lawyers will not Recommend their Children to Become Lawyers", TheMarker (13/02/2011) (in Hebrew)
> Gal Gabbay, "A New Volume of Iyunim Betkumat Israel – Gender in Israel (and the Furst Women Lawyers in pre-State Israel), Tv Channel 23 (28/2/2011), an Interview (in Hebrew)
> Moshe Negbi, "A New Book: One Law for Men and Women: Women, Rights and Law during the British Mandate, "Din Udvarim", Radio, Channel B (3/4/2011) (in Hebrew)
> Sylvia Sol, “The Stories of the First Lawyers in Israel”, “Haprklitim”, Journal of the Israel Bar, Tel-Aviv District (June 2011) (in Hebrew)
> Marian Gonzalez, “El debate jurídico está servido”, Diariovasco (18.4.2012)
> Avi Yoffe, “Public Committee to Decide on Age Limit for Transplantation”, Maariv Online (27.6.2013) (in Hebrew)
> Judy Siegael-Itzkovich, “Panel to Discuss Age Limits for Receiving Organ Transplants”, The Jerusalem Post (27.6.2013)
> "Public Committee: Maximum Age for Transplantation Should be Cancelled", Channel 7 (8.1.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Judy Seigel-Itzkovich, "Committee Deems Age Shouldn't factor in Chance to Receive Organ Donation", The Jerusalem Post (8.1.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Avi Yoffe, "Recommendation: Candidates for Transplantation will not be Rejected due to Age" (Maariv NRG) (8.1.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Meital Yasseur Beit-Or, "Recommendation: Maximum Age for Transplantation Should be Cancelled", Israel-hayom (9.1.2014) 17 (in Hebrew)
> Yoav Even, “Organ Transplantation – Also Above 65 Years Old”, Mako – Channel 2 News (22.3.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Niv Raskin, “Candidates for Transplantation will not be Rejected due to Age", Galey-Tzahal (IDF News) (23.3.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Yehuda Schlezinger, “As of Next Month: Candidates for Transplantation will not be Rejected due to Age", Israel-hayom (23.3.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Judy Seigel-Itzkovich, “Would-be organ recipients not to be turned down solely on basis of age”, The Jerusalem Post (23.3.2014) (in Hebrew)
> Issi Doron, Nurit Dasau, “The Report on Maximum Age for Transplantation”, 6 Bioethics Leaflet (2014) (in Hebrew)
> Itamar Levin, “Judges afraid to Complain”, News 1 (8.2.2015) (in Hebrew)
> Efrat Neuman, “Judges Revange? What do they Think about Lawyers?”, The-Marker (8.2.2015) (in Hebrew)
> Chen Maanit, “Violence and Rudeness: What does Judges Think about Lawyers?”, Globes (8.2.2015)A (in Hebrew)
> Lital Dubrovitzki, “Lawyers are Late for Hearings; Using Cell-Phones”, Yediot Aharonoth (9.2.2015) 7 (in Hebrew)
> Zvi Harel, “Your Honor? Not amongst Lawyers”, Israel Hayom (9/2/2015) 15 (in Hebrew)
> Ofer Aderet, “The Woman who Fought to Prove that Women are Persons”, Haaretz (13/02/2018)
> Gur Megido, “Adv. Efi Nave’s Entangling”, The Marker (10/10/2018) (in Hebrew)
> Scientific Consulting - “Daka Israelit” about Rosa Ginzberg, Galey Tzahal (6/3/2017) (in Hebrew)
>Matan Vaserman, “Delays and inappropriate conduct”, Maariv (9.9.2020) (in Hebrew)
>Chen Maanit, “The Ombudsman’s Report”, Globes (9.9.2020) (in Hebrew)