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אזכורים וראיונות באמצעי התקשורת 

> Zach, Yaniv, “Until the First Drop of Blood”, Haaretz (“The Body” - Special Issue) (29/09/2000) (in Hebrew)


Evron, Yemima, “They are All on the Same Hill”, Haaretz (articles), (19/03/2004) (in Hebrew)

Dayan, Aryeh, “Atty. Ginzberg Sets a Precedent”, Haaretz (articles), (24/10/2005) (in Hebrew & English)

Bloch, Daniel, “Rosa Ginnosar, One of the First Women Adv. In Pre-State Israel”, Radio Interview, Radio, Channel A, (28/10/2005) (in Hebrew)

Neuman, Dalia, “The First Women Advocates in Pre-State Israel", Radio, Channel B, (11/04/2007) (in Hebrew)

Gilat, Amir, “The First Women Advocates in Pre-State Israel", The Academic Channel (3/05/2007) (in Hebrew)

Efrat Ritten, "Legal Ethics and Lawyers' Fees", TV Channel 10 (6/8/2010) (in Hebrew)

Nurit Rot, "A new survey: Most Lawyers will not Recommend their Children to Become Lawyers", TheMarker (13/02/2011) (in Hebrew)

Gal Gabbay, "A New Volume of Iyunim Betkumat Israel – Gender in Israel (and the Furst Women Lawyers in pre-State Israel), Tv Channel 23 (28/2/2011), an Interview (in Hebrew)

Moshe Negbi, "A New Book: One Law for Men and Women: Women, Rights and Law during the British Mandate, "Din Udvarim", Radio, Channel B (3/4/2011) (in Hebrew)

Sylvia Sol, “The Stories of the First Lawyers in Israel”, “Haprklitim”, Journal of the Israel Bar, Tel-Aviv District (June 2011) (in Hebrew)

Marian Gonzalez, “El debate jurídico está servido”, Diariovasco (18.4.2012)

Avi Yoffe, “Public Committee to Decide on Age Limit for Transplantation”, Maariv Online (27.6.2013) (in Hebrew)

> Judy Siegael-Itzkovich, “Panel to Discuss Age Limits for Receiving Organ Transplants”, The Jerusalem Post (27.6.2013)

>  "Public Committee: Maximum Age for Transplantation Should be Cancelled", Channel 7 (8.1.2014) (in Hebrew)

>  Judy Seigel-Itzkovich, "Committee Deems Age Shouldn't factor in Chance to Receive Organ Donation", The Jerusalem Post (8.1.2014) (in Hebrew)

> Avi Yoffe, "Recommendation: Candidates for Transplantation will not be Rejected due to Age" (Maariv NRG) (8.1.2014) (in Hebrew)

> Meital Yasseur Beit-Or, "Recommendation: Maximum Age for Transplantation Should be Cancelled", Israel-hayom (9.1.2014) 17 (in Hebrew)

Yoav Even, “Organ Transplantation – Also Above 65 Years Old”, Mako – Channel 2 News (22.3.2014) (in Hebrew)

>  Niv Raskin, “Candidates for Transplantation will not be Rejected due to Age", Galey-Tzahal (IDF News) (23.3.2014) (in Hebrew)

>  Yehuda Schlezinger, “As of Next Month: Candidates for Transplantation will not be Rejected due to Age", Israel-hayom (23.3.2014) (in Hebrew)

 Judy Seigel-Itzkovich, “Would-be organ recipients not to be turned down solely on basis of age”, The Jerusalem Post (23.3.2014) (in Hebrew)

>  Issi Doron, Nurit Dasau, “The Report on Maximum Age for Transplantation”, 6 Bioethics Leaflet (2014) (in Hebrew)

>  Itamar Levin, “Judges afraid to Complain”, News 1 (8.2.2015) (in Hebrew)

>  Efrat Neuman, “Judges Revange? What do they Think about Lawyers?”, The-Marker (8.2.2015) (in Hebrew)

>  Chen Maanit, “Violence and Rudeness: What does Judges Think about Lawyers?”, Globes (8.2.2015)A (in Hebrew)

> Lital Dubrovitzki, “Lawyers are Late for Hearings; Using Cell-Phones”, Yediot Aharonoth (9.2.2015) 7 (in Hebrew)

>  Zvi Harel, “Your Honor? Not amongst Lawyers”, Israel Hayom (9/2/2015) 15 (in Hebrew)

>  Ofer Aderet, “The Woman who Fought to Prove that Women are Persons”, Haaretz (13/02/2018) 

>  Gur Megido, “Adv. Efi Nave’s Entangling”, The Marker (10/10/2018) (in Hebrew)

> Scientific Consulting - “Daka Israelit” about Rosa Ginzberg, Galey Tzahal (6/3/2017) (in Hebrew)

>Matan Vaserman, “Delays and inappropriate conduct”, Maariv (9.9.2020) (in Hebrew)

>Chen Maanit, “The Ombudsman’s Report”, Globes (9.9.2020) (in Hebrew)

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